Furniture in Fashion Blog
Furniture in Fashion Blog
Furniture in Fashion Blog
Any of us, who have ever lived in the apartment with smooth, sliding floors, knows this problem – furniture slides. This is very common nuisance for the majority of living room sofas, by the way. If you face this challenge for the first time, the whole thing may seem a bit frustrating. Yet, to every problem there is a solution. In this case – at least seven. Plus, if you use a bit of imagination, there might be other ways and other materials to cope with the situation. At the top off the head, here are some things that will help:
Area rugs
The easiest and the most reasonable idea would be to put a rug under your furniture piece. The upper surface can feature any material of your choice, but the lower one (the one that is in direct contact with the floor) should have some rubber elements – that will prevent sliding once and for all. Sure, the suggestion has a set of interior limitations. First of all, not every person will appreciate a rug on a perfectly designed wooden floor. Next, a rug may look fine under a dining room set – that is, under the table and maybe under the chairs, too. However, under a living room sofa, it might not look so visually appealing. Plus, if it is some other furniture piece that slides in your room, you will also have to think over whether the rug will fit into your interior.
Caster cups
For a more inconspicuous solution, you can go with special caster cups. They come in different styles, sizes, and colours, and are widely available in any hardware store. Sure, fining something that would completely blend in with your furniture piece might require some time, yet it is possible to find something sooner or later.
Rubber pads
Rubber grip pads are basically the same thing as caster cups, yet they are made of rubber exclusively. Some of them can be simply put under the furniture; some others have to be glued on. The pads are also available in different shapes and colours, so it is possible to find a pad that would be completely invisible.
Screw on adhesive feet
Then, there are screw on furniture feet that have an adhesive base. This is a perfect solution if you want not only to fix your furniture, but also to protect your floors from damage. The adhesive base will not leave any stains on the floor and will prevent scratches.
Furniture grippers
Another suggestion is to buy a sheet of special furniture gripping material. You will only have to measure the amount of gripper you need, cut it and place under your furniture. It is also very simple and inconspicuous.
Rug tape
Simple rug tape, available in the same hardware stores, can act as a furniture gripper, too.
Liner material
Finally, liner material for the drawers is another thing that can be found in most homes, and it is possible to use it to stabilize your furniture position on the floor.
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