

7 Useful Tips On How To Furnish A Small Kitchen

7 Useful Tips On How To Furnish A Small Kitchen

As difficult as furnishing a small apartment may appear, furnishing a small kitchen is even trickier. You have to use every centimeter of the available space and choose optimal placements for each piece of furniture. Small kitchen space leaves you almost no room for creativity, as sleek contemporary design is arguably the most space efficient interior solution there is. So, is it possible to furnish a small kitchen so that it would meet all your functional and aesthetic requirements and, most importantly, to stay within budget?Tiny space may not allow you to have a kitchen of your dreams, but here is some basic advice on how to furnish a small kitchen and make it both functional and attractive:Use modern equipment That`s right – to make the most of your precious kitchen space use modern ergonomic equipment to the full. One basic requirement – all your appliances have to be compact in order to fit into limited space. All in all, there are lots of compact solutions, from small electric stoves to complex extendable storage units, which help you make the most of your kitchen area.Get rid of unnecessary stuff Clutter is what consumes most of the precious small kitchen space. To avoid...

How To Reupholster A Bar Stool On Your Own: 5 Simple Steps

How To Reupholster A Bar Stool On Your Own: 5 Simple Steps

Even the most durable, the finest quality furniture requires some renovation from time to time. Fortunately, most renovations can be done at home - all on your own. Reupholstering chairs, bar stools  included, is a relatively simple task, and you can easily do it independently - even if you have absolutely no experience in the area. The specifics will surely depend on the particular cushioning material, yet you will need some new upholstery (which is quite obvious), some adhesive (for fabric), special fixation bolts (for leather), and a screwdriver. On the whole, the process can be completed in several simple steps.Unscrew the seat Carefully remove the seat and put it aside. Here is where the screwdriver comes in. Measure the amount of new upholstery you are going to need To measure the amount of upholstery you are going to need, turn the seat upside down and place on the new fabric / leather. Circle the amount of the material you are going to need, and do not forget to leave a couple of extra centimeters to ensure the fixation below the seat. Cut the required amount with sharp scissors (you might need special scissors for leather). Remove the old upholstery This might take a while...

Counter Height Tables: Interior Pros And Cons

Counter Height Tables: Interior Pros And Cons

Counter height tables look very stylish but like any other furniture piece, they have their advantages and disadvantages. On the whole, a lot will depend on the atmosphere you are trying to create in your room. Before you start looking, you should probably weigh over some of the advantages of counter height tables  - hopefully, this short list will help you come to the conclusions and decide if a model like this is worth it - for your home, anyway.Pros Stylish unusual addition to contemporary environment – the primary advantage of a counter height table is that it looks very stylish in modern interiors. They create a contemporary, a bit bar-like atmosphere in any room – regardless of the particular style and design of the table. Come in many designs and materials – speaking of designs, there are plenty. Counter height tables can act as dining tables or as party tables – you just have to define which one you are looking for. The models can come in solid wood or in glossy MDF; they can feature glass or metal inserts; they can be circular (round, oval) or classic (square, rectangular). Ideally, if you decide to look for counter height tables, you...