Furniture in Fashion Blog
Furniture in Fashion Blog
Furniture in Fashion Blog
All educational institutions have classrooms. Classrooms are designed according to the level of institution (furnture stores). For kids of kindergarten there are small chairs, colorful walls, decorated soft boards/notice boards, etc, while classrooms of students at higher grade/level are simple, i.e. no colorful walls. However latest technologies like classroom screens and canvases are used for teaching students at higher level. The main purpose behind classroom is to provide education environment without distractions or interruptions.
Generally classrooms have a large surface, which is mainly used by teachers or instructors for teaching purpose, that surface is called black board (furniture ). However white boards and other things like classroom screens and canvases, are used as a replacement of blackboard, in fact blackboards are now less commonly used in classrooms due to some shortfalls. Utilization of latest technology is getting dominant while old traditions are almost wiped out (blackboards). Various types of technologies have altered the scenario of classrooms. Some examples are: class websites; for ease of students to grab lessons and study material, wireless microphones for students; to listen teacher carefully and teacher don’t have to scream. Online videos; to clear the conceptual understandings of students, to accomplish this purpose classroom screens and canvases are used, and many more.
The advancements in technology have improved the interaction between teachers and students. Students learn more by applying less effort but these gadgets are not affordable by all school. Internet is trying to blur the image of classrooms by giving study material online, for example: distance learning. So that students do not have to sit in confined rooms filled with other students, where they have to follow class rules and have to spend many hours sitting on a chair, however such educational environment cannot be achieved by using online study options. In classroom, different students with different mindsets on one platform fill the air with their thinking, this act enhance the capability of human mind to think diversely and cover-up all the angles (all possibilities). Just like in prism, only a ray of while light scatters in seven different colors.
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