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8 Simple Ideas On Organising A Computer Desk For Bay Window

8 Simple Ideas On Organising A Computer Desk For Bay Window

Computer desk for bay window can be an excellent way to creatively utilise your available room space to organise a cosy, compact workstation. Sure, a lot will depend on the size of your bay window — sometimes, awkward room dimensions leave no other choice but to go bespoke. Still, no matter if you are ordering / building furniture or are looking for ready made solutions, here are some ingenious ideas on computer desk  for bay window that might boost your imagination and help you come up with an impressive decoration plan for any room:cabriya  Use the windowsill you’ve already got Probably the easiest way on coming up with a functional computer desk for bay window is to utilise the space you’ve already got. That is, if you have a spacious windowsill, you should use it as a table surface. Sure, the solution might require a little customisation, like opening up some space for your legs, yet it is still one of the best ideas on a computer desk for bay window. Go for some extra storage Another reason to consider using your windowsill as a table surface is that it can be easily equipped with extra storage, which always comes in handy in a...