Furniture in Fashion Blog
Furniture in Fashion Blog
Furniture in Fashion Blog
Real estate deals can be quite tiresome. Yet, with an optimized approach to this challenging task, it is possible to come up with a universal viewing, moving, and selling a house check-list – a check-list that will save plenty of your time and energy, and help you to find, move, and sell a house without any painful efforts.
Room and interior layout – pay attention to the size of the rooms, their position regarding one another, how accessible they are, and so on. Make sure there are no obstacles, such as narrow passages on your way, and that the rooms are logically placed.
Natural light – ideally, a house should have plenty of natural light. Not only does it create a cheerful and bright atmosphere in your home – it also gives you a chance to save on your electricity bills.
Utilities – speaking of bills, you should consider how much you are going to be charged every month. Some houses may prove to be very high maintenance, so try to get as much info on the subject as possible.
Order any missing furniture in advance – your new house may be bigger than the previous one, so you should take care of the furniture arrangements in advance. Not only will you need some time to choose the items you like, the delivery may require some time, too. Start with the things you will need most – whether those are dining room sets or bathroom furniture.
Clean before moving – moving into a clean house is much nicer than moving into a dirty one. Plus, cleaning is relatively easy when all of the rooms are empty – you can easily access every corner, you will not need to move any furniture around, etc. Do not forget to clean the windows, too.
Organize your possessions – as you start packing, make sure all of your possessions are carefully sorted into thematically marked boxes. Most likely, there will be plenty of things to unpack later – so, you get a chance to start with the most important items.
Have the repairs done – leakages, malfunctioning appliances, and other minor details that do not trouble you much, may become a serious deal breaker in negotiations with the potential buyers. Such little things seriously undermine the value of your property, so it will be more profitable to repair them first and then set a higher price on your house.
Estimate objectively – regarding the price, you should stay objective. Do a little market research; perhaps, even visit a couple of open houses.
Get rid of the cluster and hide personal items – it’s all about appearances, so as you start showing your house, make sure that you got rid of all your cluster (it ceases to impress, to say the least). Also, stash away your pictures and personal items – after all, potential buyers try to imagine themselves in your home – so, make it as easy for them as it is technically possible.
Finally, you should work with several agents and make your house accessible. The more shows you have per day, the higher the chances of selling quickly are.
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